Vanilla Planifolia
Interesting facts about vanilla plant

A bit of history
The Totonac tribe of Mexico is credited with being the first to use vanilla as a flavoring, possibly over a thousand years ago. Their favorite drink, ‘chocolatl’, was made from powdered cocoa beans, ground corn and vanilla pods. Conquistador Hernan Cortes of Spain introduced vanilla to Europe in the early 16th century. Old Totonac lore says that Xanat, the young daughter of the Mexican fertility goddess, loved a Totonac youth. Unable to marry him due to her divine nature, she transformed herself into a plant that would provide pleasure and happiness. She became the vanilla orchid so that she could forever belong to her human love and his people. The local people still celebrate a vanilla festival to this day.

Vanilla (genus Vanilla) - any member of a group of tropical climbing orchids (family Orchidaceae).
Vanillin - the flavouring agent extracted from their pods.
The vanilla beans of commerce are the cured unripe fruit of Mexican or Bourbon vanilla (Vanilla planifolia), Tahiti vanilla (Vanilla tahitensis), and occasionally West Indian vanilla (Vanilla pompona); all three species are thought to be derived from a single species native to Mexico, Central America, and northern South America. Vanilla had been used to flavour 'xocoatl', the chocolate beverage of the Aztecs, centuries before the Spanish conquistador Hernán Cortés drank it at Montezuma’s court, and soon afterward vanilla became popular in Europe. Today it is used in a variety of sweet foods and beverages, particularly chocolate, confections, ice cream, and bakery goods, and in perfumery.
Facts about vanilla

Originally native to Central America, vanilla is now cultivated and exported mainly from Madagascar, Mexico, Reunion, Tahiti and Indonesia.
The vine can climb to 30m tall, so plantations grow it on trees or poles and fold the plant down to a height that can be reached for harvesting.
It’s the second most expensive spice after saffron as its production is so labour-intensive. The flowers are hand pollinated, with an average worker pollinating 1,000–2,000 flowers per day. After eight months, the nearly ripe fruits are harvested and dipped in hot water to stop further ripening and are then sun-dried for five months. To sidestep this lengthy, expensive process, flavourings have been synthesised that resemble the taste of real vanilla.
Physical description

Vanilla plants have a long, fleshy climbing stem that attaches to trees by aerial rootlets; roots also penetrate the soil. Numerous flowers open a few at a time and last a single day during the blooming season, which lasts about two months. Because of their dainty structure, the blossoms can be naturally pollinated only by certain small bees; in areas outside of the pollinators’ range, the flowers are pollinated artificially with a wooden needle as soon as they open. The flowers vary in color from pale green to yellow to creamy white. The fruit, a long capsule, reaches its full length of about 20 cm (8 inches) in four to six weeks but may take up to nine months to mature. As soon as they turn golden green at the base, the unripe pods are harvested.
Vanilla beans (pods)

Fresh vanilla fruits, often called “beans,” have no aroma. The characteristic aroma results from enzymatic action during curing. The traditional method begins with subjecting the harvested beans to a process of nightly sweating and daily exposure to the sun for about 10 days, until they become deep chocolate brown in color. Then the beans are spread on trays in an airy shelter until dry enough for grading and packing. Curing and drying requires from four to five months. The best grade of cured seed pods are usually covered with tiny crystals of vanillin, which provide the characteristic rich and sweet aroma. This coating, known as givre, may be used as a criterion of quality.
Vanillin is not naturally present in the fleshy exterior of the pod but is secreted by hairlike papillae in its lining and ultimately becomes diffused through the viscid oily liquid surrounding the seeds. The cured pods contain about 2 percent vanillin; other organic constituents include vanillic acid (odourless), oleoresin, sugar, gum, calcium oxalate, alcohols, aldehydes, and esters contributing to the full fragrance and flavour. Tahiti beans are reddish brown in color, of less full flavor than the Mexican or Bourbon product, and contain a small amount of heliotropin, or piperonal, which characterizes their flavor.