High-quality vanilla beans from Indonesia

Link to store of CV A.L. Purnama Indopanen on Tokopedia marketplace

Website visitors from Indonesia can buy our vanilla beans at our online store in the Tokopedia marketplace

Pengunjung website dari Indonesia dapat membeli vanilla bean kami di toko online kami di marketplace Tokopedia

Link to store of CV A.L. Purnama Indopanen for Russian customers

Купить стручки ванили за рубли с доставкой в Россию можно здесь

Russian visitors can buy our dry vanilla beans here

the store accepts payments with PayPal

Online Store

all items in the store are with free worldwide shipping by airmail

Small Wholesale with Free Shipping:

Terms Of Return

We offer 60 days money-back guarantee return policy.
In all cases, buyers pay shipping fees at their own cost to return products for exchange or refund. We will be responsible for the postage of replacements. A refund will be made upon receipt of the returned item.


Manufactured by CV A.L.Purnama Indopanen a family-running vanilla beans drying facility located in West Kalimantan, Indonesia.

nutrition facts for dry vanilla beans


You should never store your vanilla beans in the refrigerator. Refrigeration will dry out your beans and excess moisture can promote a particular type of mold specific to vanilla. We recommend storing your airtight container at room temperature.


Up to 2 years in the original vacuum-sealed package